Exclusive: How to join the EPF!

Attention all Penguins! Have you ever been waddling around the island and see those cool kids wearing the super secret agent items? Have you ever wanted to join the prestigious agency also otherwise known as the Everyday Phoning Facility? Well have no fear, because today I’m going to show you how, you too, can become a secret agent yourself!

Luckily, you don’t need to be 30 days old to join the EPF, unlike that other organization PSA. Fresh penguins are welcome to the EPF. Now to join, you will need a mail invitation. Previously there were other ways to take the test without an invite but currently this seems to be the only way. But have no fear, simply go to Blizzard and ask for one, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Or, come chat with us on our discord server and we’ll gladly be able to help you out!

  1. Once you’ve got that invite, click to teleport straight to the top-secret EPF headquarters.

2. Click on the telephone to begin the test. Make sure that you’re ready, it’s not easy!

3.  Throw a snowball at the target, and then proceed to follow the instructions on-screen.

You’ll be tasked on your speed, stealth, and cleverness. Some tips: When it comes to the stealth part, hide behind a bar and then throw a snowball at the other camera! Here’s how we fared, pretty neat huh?

Congratulations! You are now a member of the EPF and can check out the secret rooms, plus we get a special phone! From this phone we can complete field ops, teleport to others places, play System Defender, and not to mention we can get the Elite Gear??

How many of you guys are secret agents like me? Let us know in our discord and come chat with over 900+ players today!

Until next time,

CPR Cheats Team

April Fools Party 2019 Full Walkthrough

Hello Everyone!

Finally at long last! The April Fools party update has arrived! And this, in my opinion, is one of the best parties yet, the CPR team definitely put a lot into this party and it really shows. It’s understandable why the release was pushed back but it was definitely worth it! Let’s jump into this post and the maximum guide to the April Fools party!

Continue reading “April Fools Party 2019 Full Walkthrough”